domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Superior Child's?

Superior Child's? 
By: Jean Luc Miralda

               Who does not want to have a super child, a kid who has everything? Who is smart, leader, sociable, and sportiest! Well, this can now be created, or maybe not. Scientifically, kids who are treated to be better environments and who have early development into the actions of walking, speaking, recognitions and many others. I personally believe that a child can be made a genius, if and only if you teach him well and if you show him the basics on the time he need to know them. In the video shown in class, many kids were publicized to work their minds as early as possible. At the beginning the results were not evidently major, but after they passed certain age limit you could see how the creation of awareness portrayed their high grades and their special “abilities” which make them superior to the other kids who surround them. 

Born Genius?

 Born Genius?
by: Jean Luc Miralda

                  Is it possible that a kid is born genius? That there is no need for the kid to be shown some stuff cause he already knows it? Well in my perspective I believe that intelligent kids are raise to be as they are. For example on the video presented on class, the kid knew how to play the piano really good, but because It was something that he brought in his blood, cause his mother played him really good pieces when he was young. The kid was in love with the piano! And the more he practiced the better he got, which means that he was really good. Why so? Can this be brought out by his mother, or was he born with it? Did he learn it or did he know it? Questions always rise when it comes to child being intellectually superior; but in my opinion child’s can be born with higher IQ and specific knowledge thanks to their parents. 

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

The Mind of a Murderer

The Mind of a Murderer - Brain Damage and Criminal Behavior:

by: Jean Luc Miralda

                   Is it implied that if a criminal has a mental disorder problem he or she should be exempted of the “law” and be left free? Are they really not responsible for their actions just because their brain is different? Well I believe that this is just a lame excuse that the guilty people put to be set free of jail. In the first place, who did this people get these traumatic injuries? Well someone in there life’s must have done it to them. But in many cases as Arthur Shawcross, is a perfect example of why people that have been “proven” to have mental damage should not be let free from jail. He was left in temporary freedom and as he was free he committed the same crimes over and over again. Was this normal? Well the laws don’t represent anything but I strongly believe that people with mental illness should still be put down to jail, and never let out, cause they are a danger to society. You never know how they may react. They may change but even though they change the crimes that they did back in the time they were brought to jail are unforgivable. 
                     Would you imagine, being a family member of one of the victims of this man, and 5 years after he was sentenced to jail he is set free just because the is me mentally ill, so they cant accuse him of things that he controls? I would be offended as a citizen to know that this kind of maniac is lying anywhere in the country. Doing who knows what, in who knows where. I believe that the laws should be re-enforced, and that people, and judges should be more careful with their final verdict in this accusations or they may cause a problem to society. 

Living with Traumatic Brain Injury

Living with Traumatic Brain Injury

by: Jean Luc Miralda

               It is sad to see a person suffer as they try really hard to come pone there sickness. This is the effect of the brain. “Almost a quarter of a million Americans are hospitalized every year with brain injuries.” (Research Channel; video, YouTube) The effect that this damages in the patient’s brain, not only affects them, but also their families, jobs, friends, and most of all their anemic status. People who suffer of brain injuries may lose many parts or senses of their body that are strictly necessary. Such as the sense of touch, hearing, and speaking. In the video that was presented on class we could see four different cases. The loss of memory was one of the most intriguing, which was said to be one of the most common too. Why is this so bad? Well, I believe it’s bad because the person doesn’t remember who he is, and who is their family, and what do they do, and they forget most of their life; and talking with personal experience, family members who has lived this it makes to suffer a lot. Viewing your uncle, father, friend or anyone who forget who you are, makes the person suffer. But mental damage also affects them self, which in my point of you, you can see that they suffer, back

Mind Reading

Mind Reading through technology: 
Effective or not?

By: Jean Luc Miralda

          Well, let us start by asking if you believe in mind Reading, because I personally believe that it is just a technique acquired by the human race through technology, by the process of various repetitions and by learning the method of why the person can respond to certain kind of action. Why this so if is a person may acquire this ability while others are really thinking that they have a really “gifted” power as they were called to the ones that invented the “true or false machine” I believe this is just a way that science has found a way on how to represent the human mind by a “detection” trough technology. The lie detector that has been implied in the united state is a great example of who the human nature is trying to find out how to “read” the mind of the persons, but I believe that this machine doesn’t work. Most of the time it is used to by detecting the blood pulse, and there has been people who has been able to trick the machine, so I believe that most of the time this kind of technology will be fooled and that it will not work appropriately to give out helpful and certain information. 


A quick thought about Homosexuality in kids:

by: Jean Luc Miralda

What can you say about homosexuality? Could this be something with which a person is born or this is something learned through out time and the life the children is having? Well, let me start by saying that I believe that homosexuality is something learned. I believe that a person cannot be born Boy and have the mentality of a girl. I strongly believe that this is something that a person learns by spending too much time with a person of their same sex, and from the way they are treated and teached when they were young.  For example, if you give a boy, when he is young many Barbie’s and girlish stuff, the boy will start to feel attracted to stuff that girls like to do. Mean while if you give a boy many military and manly kind stuff the boy will be more masculine and will not be attracted to pink, really cute stuff.
As people say, there is also a possibility that the boy is raise wrongly! That the mother or father treats him as an angel and as a cutie pie, and then he becomes gay, or homosexual! I believe that a lack of a “man in the house” or a father is something that affects eminently the mood and the actions of a child, in this case a boy. Why so? Because it is much more different a mother to son relation, than a father to son relation; it has a different point of view, because there are stuff that a boy cannot talk to her mother, or say to him. While there is more trust in the father for being a person that understands the way a boy reacts as a child, because he has done that before.
                In conclusion, I believe that homosexuality is something that is teached and thay may be deceived by the parents with no actual purpose by them.